Website of Mary J Fry
I'm excited to have finished my latest manuscript Denim & da Vinci!
Following a spectacular meltdown, Maddy McBride, a burnt-out Santa Fe artist, runs off to Italy to search for a lost love only to find amongst the ghosts and ruins what she had been missing all along.
Denim & da Vinci (complete at 94,000 words) is a contemporary women's fiction novel. It will appeal to those who love Italy, Renaissance art, and roads less traveled. The book is full of heartbreak, humor, and magical realism, similar to "One Italian Summer" by Rebecca Serle.

Mary Fry is a poet, screenwriter, and novelist. Her debut novel, Denim & da Vinci was inspired by her year in Bergamo, Italy as she pursued graduate studies in art and art history. She earned her undergraduate degree in English from the University of Nevada, Reno, and her Master’s in art history from the University of New Mexico, Las Cruces. She has won the prestigious Pegasus Award for her book, Adobe Doorways. Her work has also been published in the anthology San Diego Writer’s Ink 2012 and 2015. She is also the co-founder of The Screenwriter's Forum and has conducted Screenwriting workshops. In addition to being a writer, she is an artist and is represented by Salinas Valley Art Gallery as well as a career in software development. She resides in the beautiful town of Monterey, California, and enjoys hiking and taking in the natural wonders of the Big Sur coast.